“Trudy’s book, Endless Turquoise will take you on holiday from real life as you voyage to a Caribbean idyll, replete with stunning beaches, luxurious hotels and comic cultural exchanges.”
Trudy Nixon’s love affair with the Caribbean is evident and captured effortlessly in her first novel Endless Turquoise. When she first set foot on Tobago in 1998, it was love at first sight for the region. A few years later, during a six-week tour of the Caribbean that included a trip on the Windjammer tall ship, Trudy encountered Anguilla.

A decision to spend a week on the island that she loved most after her tour led her to a stay in the picturesque fishing village of Island Harbour, where she experienced undeniable love, peace and a sense of belonging.
After meeting and forming an instant friendship with Sue and Allen at gorgeous Prickly Pear, Trudy genuinely understood and accepted that she would be returning and making Anguilla her forever home. Readers of Endless Turquoise may be able to identify these two scenic locations which had a huge impact on Trudy in the novel.

An avid lover and traveler of the region, it was only natural that Trudy’s debut novel should have as its backdrop an amalgamation of many Caribbean islands. Readers will be captivated by the intriguing plot lines, lyrical prose, diverse characters and the island vibe and energy. The page-turning story revolves around two very different women who independently travel to a (fictional) island in the Caribbean called Zephyr, where they have very different experiences.

It recounts their island adventures and how, after they return to the United Kingdom, they grapple with what they need to do next, to live their best lives. Trudy’s insider knowledge of life in the Caribbean and familiarity with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds make her books, realistic and satisfying for those familiar and unfamiliar with the Caribbean.

Trudy says, “Endless Turquoise is a love story, but it’s also a book about self-discovery and I’ve been gratified to receive lovely reviews from men and women, locals and tourists, who really wanted to know what happened next for the characters – so I’ve published a follow up called Deepest Aqua, and am planning a whole series!

”Intrigued? Endless Turquoise and the follow up Deepest Aqua can be found in Anguilla at the Coral Reef Bookstore, Straw Hat, Les Grands Vins de France, Lynne Bernbaum Art Gallery, Wheat Boutique at Four Seasons and the Boutiques at Aurora or on Amazon worldwide.

Fun Fact:
Trudy hosts regular book signing events with complimentary rum punches, so make sure you join her mailing list and follow her on all social media channels so you don’t miss out!